Dental Sedation
At Mackenzie Dental we understand that most patients have a degree of anxiety about dental treatment but that some patients are much more anxious or indeed phobic about the dentist
We have successfully treated many patients whose fear of the dentist has been so bad that they have avoided a dental visit for many years
Our dentist Lorna MacInnes has, over the years taken referrals from many Glasgow practices and is well qualified, along with our team of qualified nurses, to provide safe intravenous dental sedation
For routine care or one off larger courses of treatment for anxious patients, this can be a great help or indeed the only way to keep your mouth in good shape.
Your questions answered...
A: Sedation helps you relax and be comfortable during treatment, alleviating any undue stress. You will be consious throughout and fully aware of what is going on around you.
A: Dental sedation is administered intravenously through a small needle. It is a deeper form of sedation, although you will still be aware of your surroundings.
Most patients who opt for IV sedation typically do not remember their treatment, ideal for more invasive treatments such as the placement of dental implants or surgical extractions.
A: Absolutely! You can be assured that whilst you are under sedation your blood pressure, pulse, oxygen levels in the blood and heart rate are constantly being monitored to ensure a safe visit.